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Keenan 26months

Makin pinter aja jagoan gantengku. Makin cerdik dan ada aja tingkahnya yang heboh , aneh , lucu. Penjiplak ulung sekarang. Jika dulu sering ditakuti ayahnya "kalo nakal tak slentik" adegan tangan kanan jempol dan jari tengah menyatu. Hasilnya sekarang Keenan mulai niruin kebiasaan itu. Jadi kalo sedang marah pada ayah atau bundanya , tangannya akan bergaya seolah mau me-nylentik-.Tapi semua jari tanya rekat hahhaa lucu. Pun ketika si ayah suka kentut seenak tempat.Keenan pun bergaya. Dari awal duduk sila, begitu mau kentut, kaki kanan selonjor, pantat diangkat sedikit, posisi agak miring daaan duuuttt. Ahhhahah. Yang paling baru semalam. Nonton PLANE di lapi. Si Ayah tiduran miring dengan tangan menyangga kepala. Keenan mau ikut-ikutan. Tibur miring, tapi tanganya tak kuat menyanga kepala, jatuuuh terus Usia 2 tahun memang sedang lucu-lucunya. Bahkan tingkah paling menyebalkan pun (misal pup) tetap saja terasa lucu.  Dan semoga akan tetap kangen Keena kala kerja sampai di

Pesonan Wanita Usia Matang

Gaya hidup modern dan karir wanita yang semakin manatap sedikit menjauhkannya dari ketergantungan terhadapap lawan jenis secara materi. Kemandirian secara financial memang cenderung membuat jarak akan pilihan happy single or being house wife. Berpasangan adalah naluri alamiah setiap insan. Namun ketika logika bermain, seringkali pilihan  happy single lebih menarik, bahkan ketika usia melewati 30an. Bukannya tidak mau mencari namun pilihan yang tersedia bisa jadi menyempit atau malas mencoba sebuah hubungan baru karena trauma masa lalu. Saya sendiri memutuskan dan berencana bin yakin menemukan seseorang yang layak mendampingi selama usia diusia 29. Keburu dan diburu waktu serta pertanyaan keluarga. Saat itu iya atau terbang ke dunia lain. Hidup itu pilihan. Dan pilihan yang tersedia kadang kala sama tidak enaknya. Atau sebaliknya, sama enaknya. Enaknya menikah 1. ada orang yang anter jemput kesana sini 2. temen nonton film dan gosip dan makan kulineran 3. Ada di kecil yang lucu

Bisnis Gue !

Yaaaa, ini bisnis baru gue.Kok baru ? macem pernah bisnis yang lain. Eits pernah dong, jualan batik, naah lo... Well itu jadul jaman bujang ahah. Sekarang bisnis makanan sehat. Poin pentingnya untuk konsumsi sendiri poin hebatnya nambah gendut tabungan si kecil . Jualan nuget !. Iya, nuget ayam organik dengan ada 8 varian : original, brokoli, bayam, keju , wortel, rumput laut, jamur, dan jagung. Produk lain nuget vegerarian, olahan ayam yaitu chicken wing, chicken, katsu, chicken finger. Rasanya yummyieeehh, nagih pokoknya. Eits ada pula olahan daging sapi .ini dia favorite si kecil bakso dan sosis. Untuk bakso ada 5 varian : original, wortel, brokoli, keju dan jamur. Alhamdulillah dalam sebulan dan bisa nambah hampir  sebesar uang makan sebulan Wanna try .....icip...icip..icip... produk ini semua dari ayam , sapi dan bahan-bahan organik. NON MSG, NON pengawet. Halal. Pilihan ibu bijak.....#iklan

yang BARU dari Malay

Senin ceria !!! Ya iya duong , wajib ! secara ada yang baru pulang dari Malay , yippie .Apalagi oleh-oleh ;-) Siapa yang melancong ke Malay ? Bosses ! bener ga ya in English gitu (males translate) .Hu um para bos pasca rapat PLENO terbang ke Malay.Piknik ? Yups. Bos baru gue punya pendekatan berbeda ke para stakeholder. Tiap tahun kasih bonus jalan-jalan ke para Pimpinan yang masuk peringkat. Hongkong, Cina , Malaysia jadi incaran. Bentuk reward yang sejak lama ingin diterapkan. It Works. Bikin suasana segar (para pimpinan). Iyalah biar mereka bisa liat dunia indah seberang sana...(halah) ga cuma ngubek ngubek tanah jawi. Sedangkan punishment belum diterapkan secara gamblang.Atau  gue yang gak tahu ya.At least, si bos masih nurunin sifat belas kasihan 'khas' bokapnya. Hiya para purna masih di pekerjakan. Setidaknya di unit gue gitu. Para pejabat justru orang-orang purna. Tidak di pungkiri jam terbang mereka bikin mateng banget bin nguasai banyak hal. Dan berguna buat unit

(bukan) Resensi 20 CEO Idaman 2009

Sebuah analogi Tidak ada yang salah dengan perusahaan keluarga. Karena konglomerasi besar didunia ini berasal dari perusahaan keluarga. Sah dan wajar. Asalkan dikelola secara profesional, itu yang di katakan Chandra Ciputra president PT Ciputra Development Tbk. Tantangan terberat saat ini adalah mencari profesioanal yang bagus. Karena merekalah yang diandalkan untuk mengerjakan beragam proyek Ciputra yang tersebar di 20 kota besar di Indonesia juga Kamboja, Vietnam, India dan China. Sedangkan Anthony Salim Presdir PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. rela melepas BCA dan PT Indocement Tunggal Perkasa, namun tetap mempertahankan PT Indofood dan PT Bogasari pasca krisis 1998. Keputusan ini ternyata berdampak luar biasa, karena kinerja kedua perusahaan tersebut sedemikian mengkilap dan menjadi produsen mie dan terigu kelas dunia. Selanjutnya Anthony melakukan ekspansi dengan menggandeng Nestle SA yang tangguh di bidang riset dan pengembangan produksi makanan. Tak berhenti disitu Anthony men

greeenpeace event

PREMIERE OF THE AGE OF STUPID Green Carpet pemutaran film The Age of Stupid (Zaman Kebodohan), sebuah film doku-drama yang memenangkan penghargaan film untuk kategori perubahan ikilim, dan sekaligus telah menciptakan rekor dunia baru untuk pemutaranserempak terbesar ketika diputar di New York, Amerika Serikat pada 21 September 2009. Greenpeace, bersama dengan koalisi TikTokTikTok, WWF dan OXFAM, bermaksud menjadikan acara pemutaran perdana film ini di Jakarta sebagai acara pemutaran film terbesar dan terhijau tahun ini, dan kehadiran supporter Greenpeace sangat penting bagi upaya ini. Kami sangat mengharapkan kedatangan Anda! Kapan : Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009 Waktu : Pkl. 14.00 wib – 20.30 wib (Pemutaran film 18.15 wib) Dimana : Tugu Proklamasi di Jl. Proklamasi, Jakarta Pusat Silakan menghubungi tim supporter services kami untuk informasi lebih detail di email di atau menghubungi kami di +62 21 315 6533 (Senin – Jumat 10.00 wib – 18.00 wib) Tolong ting

those are they do

everyone like to show what he/she likes to do.something that makes proud, something to show of... Like me-myself-I like show pictures to anybody bot my activities especially my journeys, my travelling, beside share my favorite novel's resume. some friends mad to me since I tag which is made their wall full of my photos..hahahahha...I love to do that, indeed.. in the other hand, there'r people who like show their sadness by wrote status...pfffpff boring read those such things. Oke, if they do occasionally--nor everyday!!! Next , they--who really like upload kind of photos- that-personally--hurt my logical mind even I dont-really dont hate them, theirselves, however I keep think twice what they do daily... Well--it's abour choice of showing our personal life to others. FB,FS,MP,blog and others really help people to be narcism ^_^ Just be carefull--or people will judge you unexpectedly

ATBM products

Kind of cushions for sarung bantal kursi contains 5 pieces. just email our order on those are ATBM products standart size are 135 cm x 200 cm (door size) You can order by your own size just email our order on

A really good one for your hectic days

Sharks In Your Life The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went farther than ever. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference. Because the f


IT’S AN OLDIE BUT A GOODIE!! PLEASE READ TO SEE THE MORAL OF THE STORY When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, When 24 hours in a day is not enough, Remember this story about the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full.. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.' The professor then produced t

MA & MSc in Islamic Finance Programmes by Durham Islamic Finance Programme

School of Government & International Affairs, Durham University, UK Dear All, I am happy to inform you that our new postgraduate degrees in Islamic finance, MA in Islamic Finance and MSc in Islamic Finance have now been launched; and applications are invited for 2009-2010 academic year commencing from October 2009. Please note that MSc in Islamic Finance, as can be seen on the detailed structure of the programmes on our website, requires more quantitative elements such as econometrics as compared to MA in Islamic Finance. Please follow the link for further information on MA/MSc in Islamic Finance and online application. Please note that application is only through online system. You will be able to see the link for online application at the top of this information page on the website. Please also note that Durham Islamic Finance Programme offers, Ph.D. and MA by Research programmes in Islamic finance; and also Durham Islamic Finance Summer Scho

Scholarship of US$ 40.000 for women

If you are a woman. This scholarship may be for you. If not, somebody you know may meet the qualifications to win this scholarship. The international Fellowships are awarded to promising young women scientists, at the doctoral or postdoctoral level, to undertake a research project in the life sciences which has been accepted by a reputable institution outside their home country. 15 international Fellowships are awarded each year. Each Fellowship is worth a maximum of US$40,000 to cover a research period of up to 24 months. Application for the 2010 cycle of the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships is now open. What are the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships? The Fellowships are jointly offered by UNESCO and L’ORÉAL, as part of the For Women In Science Programme, to support and promote women in scientific research all over the world. The international Fellowships are awarded to promising young women scientists, at the doctoral or postdo

Seminar Nasional Statistik 2009