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Scholarship of US$ 40.000 for women

If you are a woman. This scholarship may be for you. If not, somebody you know may meet the qualifications to win this scholarship. The international Fellowships are awarded to promising young women scientists, at the doctoral or postdoctoral level, to undertake a research project in the life sciences which has been accepted by a reputable institution outside their home country. 15 international Fellowships are awarded each year. Each Fellowship is worth a maximum of US$40,000 to cover a research period of up to 24 months. Application for the 2010 cycle of the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships is now open. What are the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL For Women in Science International Fellowships? The Fellowships are jointly offered by UNESCO and L’ORÉAL, as part of the For Women In Science Programme, to support and promote women in scientific research all over the world. The international Fellowships are awarded to promising young women scientists, at the doctoral or postdo

Seminar Nasional Statistik 2009


Kesempatan Bea Siswa untuk Pengembangan Penelitian dan Profesional di Australia

Duta Besar Australia untuk Indonesia, Bill Farmer, dengan gembira mengumumkan pendaftaran yang kini telah dibuka untuk bea siswa Endeavour Awards 2009. Program Endeavour Awards adalah program bea siswa persaingan internasional berdasarkan prestasi bagi mahasiswa, peneliti dan profesional berprestasi tinggi dari negara-negara Asia-Pasifik, termasuk Indonesia untuk menuntut ilmu, melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan profesional di Australia dalam berbagai bidang ilmu. “Setiap tahun Australia menerima sekelompok penerima bea siswa Endeavour Award dari Indonesia yang membangun jaringan profesional dan pribadi yang awet dengan akademisi Australia, yang terus berlangsung lama setelah mereka kembali ke Indonesia,” ujar Farmer. “Ini mengarah pada hubungan yang kuat dan terus-menerus antara dua negara kita.” Kesempatan yang terbuka untuk akademisi, peneliti dan profesional Indonesia termasuk: Endeavour Postgraduate Awards, Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships, Endeavour Researc

Pertamina's announcements

Kesempatan Kerja PT Pertamina (Persero) PT PERTAMINA (Persero) membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan terbaik perguruan tinggi program S1 dan D3 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk menjadi pekerja di bidang kegiatan usaha Hulu, Pemasaran & Niaga, Hukum dan Keuangan sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut : 1.Sales Representative (SR) S1 Teknik Mesin S1 Teknik Kimia S1 Teknik Industri S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 2.Asisten Marketing Inteligent dan Statistik (AMS) D3 Statistik D3 Matematika 3.Driller (DH) S1 Teknik Mesin, S1 Teknik Listrik (Arus Kuat) S1 Teknik Industri 4.Adm Support & SDM (SDM) S1 Teknik Industri S1 Sosial S1 Hukum 5.Public Relation (PR ) S1 Sosial/Hukum 6.Informasi Teknik (IT) S1 Teknik Informatika S1 Teknik Elektro 7.HSE S1 Teknik Mesin S1 Teknik Industri S1 K3 8.Logistik (LOG) S1 Teknik Industri S1 Ekonomi S1 Hukum 9.Asisten Hukum (HK) S1 Hukum 10.

Megawati still unable to meet Yudhoyono

Original news by Antara 19/3/2003 Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputry is still unable to meet Democratic Party`s Advisory Board chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) because of her tight election campaign schedule, a spokesman said. PDI-P Secretary General Pramono Anung told the press here on Wednesday that after April 5, 2009, Megawati would probably meet with Yudhoyono but it would depend on the right momentum related to their common political interest. According to Pramono Anung, the PDI-P chairperson has asserted that she was ready to meet with anybody because never did she break the bond of friendship with all parties. "Ibu Mega has yet to make an agenda of her meeting with SBY because in addition to her tight schedule, there is also the difference in her political view and principle," Pramono Anung said. He added that the difference in her political view with Yudhoyono was especially in relation wi

PKS, Yudhoyono make political contract on Palestinian independence

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has made a political contract with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to free Palestine from colonialism, according to a PKS leader. "PKS has opened up for coalition with other political parties as well as with any presidential and vice presidential candidates, with a common vision priority to develop this nation," PKS Secretary General Anis Matta said here on Monday. The political contract with SBY did not only cover international affairs but also domestic issues such as anti corruption, he said. PKS was confident in the corruption eradication efforts as mandated by the reform, because so far no PKS cadre had been involved in a corruption case since the birth of the party, he said. "PKS cannot guarantee that in the future none of its cadres would be free from corruption. But, until today we can prove that there is no PKS cadre being charged with corruption," he said. The Islam-based party would intensify its political communication on


Pemilu –WHATSOEVER. Kenapa ya gw ga antusias??? Tidak seperti dulu jaman kuliah-even hanya pemira yang milih ketua jurusan atau ketua BEM-heboh, seru. Tapi sekarang...maleeezzz. Kelihatan ga penting aja (-haloooww in pesta demokrasi-so WHAT?) Well, secara partainya banyak banget, berapa?38?kertas nya segede taplak meja-boros bukan? Lagian bikin banyak partai tidak jelas gitu, sekedar setor nama. Atau barisan sakit hati karena didepak partai lama. Atau adegan pembuktian diri karena kemaren kalah? Maka sesumbarlah mereka dengan beragam janji yang mostly boong pake banget!!! Alih-alih mengabdi pada negara....yang ada hanya menghamburkan uang demi ego pribadi. Haloow ...tidak perlu bikin partai –tidak perlu nunggu jadi anggota dewan-tidak perlu nunggu jadi presiden untuk mengabdi pada negara, berpihak pada rakyat dan membuat perubahan. JUST DO IT NOW ! Mulai saja dari diri sendiri, dari lingkungan sekitar. Dari tingkat kampung even RT. Bagaimana memberdayakan pemuda untuk membangun d

Wanna go to Jogja?

JOGJAKARTA Jogyakarta (also known as "Jogja") is a special city in Indonesia. It has also a special region status (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta - DIY). For tourists, Yogya is probably the second choice of city to visit after Bali. Jogja has one of the old and big University in Indonesia that is Gadjah Mada University (my lovely campus). Some of major got under 100 rank in world class university. (next i’l show detail). Something I really miss is do “sunmor” meaning do Sunday Morning. Yup , going to bunderan –a centre place of the college-do jogging or just walking slowly.Sight seeing and eating ,of course. It just like morning market. You can find food, snack,clothes, bags and many things other. Hangout with our friend, your couple or your family, an dlistening to live music..;-) Traditional food (such as "gudeg") is good and cheap. Many people eat on the street, sitting on the floor. This is called "lesehan". Becareful before you eat, ask first for the pri

Modern batik

Batik is s drawing art above cloth for made clothes technically resist use wax material.The word batik is come from Javanese. It means to write or point. Batik's techniques has been recognised since thousand years ago. It couldn't self explanatory history about batik genesis.Batik has high art value and being part of Indonesian culture even being national dress. Design and colour batik are influenced by many ethnic such as Tionghoa, Europe etc. Tionghoa gives light colour, Europe give picture like tulip flower. Nowdays,There are many kind of batik; not only drawn batik but printing batik, cap batik, painting batik and sablon batik. Every place where produce batik has uniquely design and colour. Cirebon, Pekalongan, Jogjakarta and Solo are cities which have special character of batik. Pekalongan is well known as batik pesisir which light colour such as red and blue. You can see in to know more about modern batik. Most of batik which are produce in Solo and Jogja

sU9ar & $aLt

The role of sugar and salt in a healthy diet Sugary Drinks and Sweets It is natural to like sweets. And it is okay to enjoy them as an occasional treat, but it is vital to keep consumption to a minimum. Refined sugar is one of the bad carbs mentioned above. Not only does it cause problems with our blood sugar level, but it also uses up stored resources within our body (such as minerals and enzymes) in order to process the sugar. In addition there are many negative health effects that sugar contributes to including: hypoglycemia, suppression of the immune system, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, headaches, and depression. Choose sweet treats that are home made or have naturally occurring sugar, such as fruits. Try making your favorite dessert with half or one-third less sugar than usual. Make dessert a special event once a week. Many foods have naturally occurring sugars, such as fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Incorporate naturally sweet foods into your diet to help crowd out u

Smart Eating

Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”. It's not just what you eat, but how you eat. Paying attention to what you eat and choosing foods that are both nourishing and enjoyable helps support an overall healthy diet. Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating. Avoid stress while eating: When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised, causing problems like colitis and heartburn. Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV (especially disturbing programs or the news). Try taking some deep breaths prior to beginning your meal, or light candles and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere. Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you fe

Strategies for healthy eating

Eat enough calories but not too many. Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity. Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat. Keep portions moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol. Try to get fresh, local produce Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75% water. It is a vital part of a healthy die

Move On

In 1989, Stephen R.Covey published time management consept with 7 HABITS. One of them is the difference among ‘important and urgent’ and ‘important and not urgent’. We have to aware about them. Covey remind us that we often concentrate in urgent things because of delay of time. We ignore those things before. We didnot do the best and make the right decision on that time Do something important is positive behaviour and it will direct us to do hurry in working but keep in best result “Sense of urgency” is different with “do urgency” In working area we often do ‘slow but sure’. We can say It’s already October or It’s still October. We pretend to live in a grey area as comfort zone and dont wanna confront in black and white area. ‘4-A’ Sense of urgency A salesman have surprised when asked a question what is next target selling , just a moment after he closed great selling. It’ s about sense of urgency which is cycles ‘success motivate sucess’. Siklus 4-A it’s stand for Achieve-Assess